The sun was shining brightly as we arrived at the Heights of Aripo. Butterflies flitted around us. The air temperature was cool as it was still relatively early in the day. There were 11 of us altogether, including my brother and Patrice's friend. We started our hike along a narrow trail flanked by bamboo patches and water running alongside it. We went down an incline into some wet mud. Our feet sunk down into the mud. Soon we came up to a beautiful waterfall where I did an improvised dance in the water. We then walked along the river over some branches that have been cut down. We came upon an open area of fields. We walked through a lot of mud then came up to part of the waterfall. White anthuriums grew on the water's edge and fallen trunks of trees lay across the river.

We walked along the bank where there were several small waterfalls. Walking up an incline, we turned left then went across a field of watercress and down a muddy slope. Then we crossed the river. The rocks were quite striking, of a pale brown colour with moss growing on them. An orange crab was holding onto the side of a rock as water flowed over him.

We came up to the main waterfall- grand and majestic. I touched the rock, allowing the water to flow over my hands. I hiked up to the next set of pools and sat in one of them. After a while I went up to the other pools higher up, splashing like a child. It was a place of peace, tranquility and beauty.

After enjoying the waterfall we hiked back in the mud while some of us went down the river. When we all joined back together we took a group photo at the entrance of the hike. It was a fun experience, definitely worth another visit. You can find more photos from this adventure in the photography album on our Facebook Page

We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure to Aripo Waterfall. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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