Welcome to Pink Boat Studios!

We are a collaborative team of an artist and a photographer working towards the same bring you beautiful photography and artwork inspired by the landscape of Trinidad and Tobago.

Meet the photographer Patrice Sadaphal who has been tirelessly accumulating and sharing her photography on Instagram every day since February 2016 on her account, and me, the artist Zaidee Walker who has been painting from Patrice's photos since 2016 as well. You can find my work on my Instagram account

Together we go on road trips to locations all over Trinidad and Tobago capturing photos and painting on location to bring stunning scenes to your home and work place.

We are currently building our Facebook Page to be launched in September 2017 which would allow our followers access to the viewing of all our products.

Our current project is the production of miniature paintings of beach scenes on canvas panels which can also be made to order. We have big plans for these adorable products in the coming months.

Our most recent road trip took us hiking to Three Pools where we felt the overwhelming peace of our surroundings and did our best to capture this in photos. Where would our next adventure take us? Stay tuned to find out!


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