It was adventure time as the Pink Boat Studios team prepared to go on a hike to 3 Pools. The sun made its way through the clouds in a partly cloudy sky. It was a Saturday morning filled with promise. Dressed in tank tops, shorts, caps and sneakers, we packed towels, water, snacks, a change of clothes, Patrice's camera, my notebook and pen, sunblock, insect repellent and an Ipod to play music on the way there. This was not the first time we were going to 3 Pools but the last time it poured with rain and the hike was difficult so we were a little apprehensive. Nevertheless I was feeling hopeful about the day ahead.
     We drove to Maracas beach where we met our hiking buddies Kailey and Airut. Patrice took a few photos of Maracas beach before continuing on our journey. The sun came out but the air was still cool and there was mist on the hills. Kailey and Airut were talking about their previous hikes. They had been hiking together for two and a half years already. We stopped at a spot that overlooked some boats on a deck. Then we drove through Blanchisseuse village, passing three beaches.
     We arrived and parked at the Spring Bridge. Patrice took photos of the Marianne River that flows under the bridge. A variety of birds sang their song. Kailey and Airut did yoga poses on the bridge for photos and we all took a group photo. Two children and their father rode out from the trail on bicycles. We entered the trail. The ground was moist and rocky. The air was cool. There was moss on the tree trunks. We went up an incline where there were wet leaves on the ground as well as roots and moss covered rocks. Sunlight created a speckled pattern on the ground. Along the trail there were a lot of bamboo leaves and the ground was made up of clay. We crossed over a small river which made a soothing sound. Coming to a place where the river widens, I noticed how the water reflected the green of the bamboo trees. Then it was up an incline then back down along a steep edge with water below.

      We crossed a muddy patch then stooped down low under a fallen tree then came up to a large majestic bamboo patch. Walking across a shallow part of the river, I felt the peacefulness of this place as I take in the quietness. The path narrowed and we had to cross over many roots. Tiny red petals littered the floor. Crossing the river another time, I watched as leaves floated down from the trees. The pebbles in the river were of varying shades of brown and grey. On the other side of the river were tall thin trees. We heard the sound of the water, so we knew we are close to the three pools. Crossing under another fallen tree, we came up to the rapids where the water rushed over the rocks. The sun glinted off the surface of the water which passed over rocks of a beautiful burgundy colour.

     We reached the first pool and the beauty around us was breathtaking. Climbing around and down some large rocks, we crossed over the second pool then up and incline and down into the third pool which was surrounded by large rocks. Sunlight reflected off of the water, looking like glitter. There were rapids at both ends of the pool. Large Emperor blue butterflies flitted around each other as sunlight streamed all the way to the bottom of the clear turquoise pool. The water was extremely cold but I went in for a swim nonetheless. Then, adventurous as ever, I swam from the third pool all the way to the first, sliding down the rapids like a water slide, feeling exhilarated. All that was left to do after that was hike back. Feeling alive and rejuvenated, we made our way back to the car. I decided that this was one of my favourite hikes, and that it was definitely worth another visit. You can find more photos from this adventure in the photography album on our Facebook Page

     We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure to 3 Pools. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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