It was a bright and sunny afternoon. Fluffy white clouds floated across the sky. I was wearing a sundress with purple flowers on it and a long plait in my hair. I was eagerly anticipating painting en plein air at La Vega Estate. I packed my new portable easel that Patrice gave me for Christmas. We headed down the open highway with great expectation. Shadows from the clouds above moved across the road which had virtually no traffic on it. We drove for a whole hour. Along the way, I looked at the different cloud formations in the pale blue sky that fades to almost white near the horizon. The sun highlighted the trees along the highway. After passing through Caroni we came up to areas with open fields. We veered left and the road split into two with a grassy median in the middle. There was a view of the bluish-purple hills of the Southern Range to the left.
     We came off the highway and headed into Gran Couva. There were tall grasses on the right and the landscape became very green. Patrice stopped the car to snap a photo of rows of crops and interesting palm trees on small hills with soft grasses. The houses along the road were simple, some left unpainted.

     Soon we entered La Vega Estate. Several vegetable stalls lined the road. We stopped to take photos at a very large tree with bromeliads on it, then again at a cluster of tall thin trees with rounded leaves. Some boys rode by on bicycles. We came close to the side of a hill dotted by orange flamboyant trees. We entered a narrow road with lots of greenery on either side then crossed a small bridge. The sun was getting lower in the sky and casting long shadows.
     We entered La Vega and parked in the parking lot. Under a large canopy were many beautiful orchids of purple, pink, yellow and white. We paid the entrance fee then got back in the car to drive to the lake. We passed a greenhouse with many potted plants and some huts with carrot-palm roofs. Beautiful birds were singing their songs and apart from that the place was very quiet. In the distance we heard a family talking and laughing. There was a Mediation Garden with a running stream but it was closed off to the public.
     We came up to the lake. I looked at the wind moving across the surface of the water creating small ripples. I sat down at a picnic table and set up my easel. I felt the warm rays of the sun on my back. A family was fishing to the left. The lake was before me. I did a 10 minute painting of the lake, a carrot-palm hut and a couple who were sitting at he water's edge. Painting en plein air was so peaceful and relaxing, much more engaging than painting from a photo.
     After painting it Patrice suggested that I give the painting to the couple. I did so and they were so touched. The even offered me money for it. The man was a foreigner and it was his first day in Trinidad. They were very grateful as they said sitting at the lake was a very special moment for them. When we left them they were still staring at the painting.

     We drove to another part of the estate- the Prayer Garden where there is a large mural of Jesus surrounded by beautiful plants. We walked to see the flowers that were on sale. There was a large variety, all very beautiful. Then it was time to head home. We really had a good time there. Look out for more of the photos from this adventure coming soon to our Facebook Page
     We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure to La Vega Estate. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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