On the way to Yara Beach, the sun made patches of light green on the hills which Patrice stopped to capture. This was near Maracas Beach. The shadows on the hill looked deep blue, something that I like to capture in my paintings. A few coconut trees stood at the base of the hill looking like Nature's fireworks. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon. We intended to capture the sunset so we had to get going. We stooped at another spot where the road went uphill. Patrice took a shot looking up onto the side of the hill, the sun highlighting the trees. Another place we stopped at had open rolling hills and tall thin trees bathed on one side by the golden setting sun. The winding road was flanked with foliage and patches of sunlight. The trees made an archway over the road. A very large bamboo patch caught our eye, its leaves shimmering in the breeze. 
      The sound of the crashing waves when we arrive at the beach was a welcoming sound, accompanied by the cock-a-doodle-doo of a rooster. We walked down some steps that had coconut trees on either side. Down on the beach, the first thing I noticed is the way that the salty air created a faded effect on the peninsula which I thought would look great as a painting. The golden sun bathed two large rocks in the sea with warm light as a group of  birds alighted off of them. We walked to one end of the beach and a wave rushed towards us as we tried to escape getting soaked. The water was choppy and alive with movement. The sand was dense and moist and almost pewter in colour. A cluster of coconut trees were back-lit by the sun which highlighted their yellow branches. The sun also coloured the water with warm orange. I could make out faint fluffy clouds on the horizon, just starting to reflect some orange from the descending sun. We had the beach all to ourselves. 

     We faced the sun and our jaws dropped when we saw the sun gleaming through the branches creating beams of golden yellow. I knew for a fact that Patrice would get great photos of this magical scene. We went up onto a patch of land with soft grasses. Empty coconuts lay on the grass under the trees. Patrice worked quickly to catch the sunlight. 

    We walked up some steps onto a walkway that led to a bridge that crossed above the beach at a point where the tide erased the shore. I did one of my signature yoga poses on the bridge that Patrice captured. We walked back down to the beach and headed towards the river at the end of the beach. The river was still like glass and reflected the coconut trees beautifully. Further inward on the river were the tall spindly roots of  mangrove trees. The sun began to set, the clouds pink in the sky, so we headed back to the bridge.  As we left the beach we felt energized by the experience, happy that we returned to this spot that we had photographed in the past. No matter how many times you return to the beach it is always different. 
      Look out for more of the photos from this adventure coming soon to our Facebook Page
     We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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