Moruga is on the central south coast of Trinidad near the Columbus Channel. Fishing is one of its main occupations. Pink Boat Studios journeyed to Moruga to capture the scenery and way of life there.
     After a two hour drive that included very windy roads, we reached our destination; a very calm beach with beautiful sandy coloured rock faces. Two very large boulders on the shore looked like they would make a lovely photo which Patrice made sure to capture. We soon discovered that the beach is populated with sand flies. This didn't take away from the beauty and serenity of the spot but we decided to move on to our next location before we got eaten alive.

     We headed to our next location not too far away where there were a number of fishing boats on the shore. A chicken crossed our path while a fisherman cleaned a fish. He smiled at us, remarking with a twinkle in his eye that it would be too expensive for us to take his photo as he would charge us a lot to do so. Patrice worked quickly to capture the scene before we head to our next location.

     On the way there, we stopped to take pictures of a few old houses which were very quaint. Most of the houses were made of wood that seemed to have been painted a good number of years ago. The front of the houses were usually painted but not the sides which was probably to save on costs. One particular house warmed my heart as it had a little balcony with potted plants and chairs and a table with a beautiful embroidered tablecloth. It looked like the perfect spot for afternoon tea. Another one of my favourites had paintings hung all over the wall of the porch that were probably done by the person who lived there. Among the paintings was a copy of the Mona Lisa.

     We stopped by another fishing area. The water was littered with old fishing boats of all colours. We spot another fisherman cleaning a fish nearby on an old barrel with a piece of wood on top. A small wooden house with a hammock in the porch caught Patrice's eye and she captured it with her camera.
    Soon it was time to say goodbye to the quiet and simplistic town of Moruga. On our way out we spotted a few goats and abandoned tractors overridden with vines that Patrice stopped to capture. There was so much to take in that was so simple yet contained a lot of beauty. Look out for more of the photos from this road trip coming soon to our Facebook Page

     We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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