The steps to go down to the beach were numerous and at one point some of the steps were missing so we had to use a rope to get down. The beach itself was secluded and peaceful, like a little piece of paradise. A large rock with foliage sat on the shore to the far right. The peninsulas in the distance to the left were of varying shades of blue. A boat that had been sitting on the bay soon left with a group of divers while other boats lay peacefully in the clear blue-green water.

     I lay down on a beach blanket while Patrice started taking photos and I listened to the heavy waves crashing on the shore. The sand felt firm under me and the cool shade provided by the almond trees offered a welcomed respite from the late morning sun. The group of people we came with were doing a beach clean-up and I listened to them putting plastic cups into garbage bags.
     Patrice asked the group leader where the famous arch is as she was eager to take a photo of it. We then went in search of it but the tide was too high for us to venture around the rocks. Patrice took photos of a small cave and other beautiful rock formations. The rock was layered and multi-coloured. The type of rock was reminiscent of the rocks at Fort Abercromby, a location we took photos at a few months back. I noticed all the lush greenery growing on top the rocks in the cove.

     It started to rain and we were grateful for the little cave that we could shelter under. I decided to go into the water while it rained which was fairly calm and delightfully refreshing. After my swim it was still raining so we decided to head home, vowing to return here soon to get photos of the arch.
     Look out for more of the photos from this adventure coming soon to our Facebook Page
     We hope you've enjoyed this account of our adventure. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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