After turning right at the Blanchisseuse turnoff, we drove for ten minutes on a narrow and winding road flanked by bamboo trees. A cocker spaniel stuck its head out of the car window in front of us, its ears flapping in the wind. When we arrived at the car park it was raining but we did not let that stop us from beginning our hike to the waterfall.
      Dodging puddles, we headed off on a fifteen minute hike accompanied by a very dynamic and bubbly group of people. As we walked along the trail it darkened under a thick canopy of trees. We went down a little incline towards a river that we had to cross. The sound of the water running over the rocks was soothing,  the river was cool to the touch and the rocks were slippery underfoot.
      We walked along the bank of the river and crossed the river a second time, this time finding it a bit more challenging. We crossed a third time then hiked up and down a hill and across a bed of different coloured pebbles. By this time the rain had died down and Patrice was finally able to take out her camera to take some photos.

      We came to another river that we had to cross twice. A large branch rose out of the center of the river like the Loch Ness Monster. Then it was up another incline and down shortly after to arrive at the majestic 75-foot waterfall, its water rushing downward with enormous force.
      The ecstatic shouts of people at the base of the waterfall created an echo effect. Large moss-covered boulders surrounded a small clear-water pool at the base. The sheer force of the water created a refreshing wind that blew in all directions.
      Patrice pointed her camera down at the rocks. The rain stopped completely and only a few drops of water fell from the leaves overhead, creating little ripples in the water. Everyone abandoned their hiking boots and lay them on the rocks while they enjoyed bathing in the pool. The cocker spaniel climbed out of the water onto the rocks, shaking water off of himself.
     Our new friend Kylie who was our guide asked if I wanted to hike up to the top of the waterfall. I gladly took up the offer. It was a steep trek but I went brave. At the top there was a small pool of emerald green water. I tried to get as close to the edge of the cliff as possible without feeling like I would fall over the edge. After heading back down to the base of the waterfall, I took a cool swim in the pool then bathed under the waterfall itself which was thrilling.
   The sun came out just in time for the hike back. We enjoyed the river views under the intense rays of sunlight and Patrice saw many photo opportunities.  We look forward to sharing more photos with you of this adventure. They will be available for viewing soon on our Facebook page
    We hope you've enjoyed this account of our hike. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure!


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