On our adventure to take photos at Macqueripe Bay, Chaguaramas, one of our photographer friends, Amanda, accompanied us. On the way there we stopped off at a popular picnic area to take some photos. A large family was picnicking at one of the tables. A stray puppy approached us with caution as Patrice snapped a photo of a nearby tree with a makeshift swing attached to its branch. I took a turn on the swing and Amanda and Patrice saw it as a photo opportunity. A group of egrets walked around on the wet grass in the distance looking for their next meal. After a few group photos we were on our way again.

    When we arrived at the beach facility we were met by quite a number of people. Chutney Soca music blared from a car's sound system in the parking lot. Near the entrance of the walkway to the bay, a variety of chows were on sale; mango, pineapple, corn and plum. Walking up to the entrance of the Zip Line, the photographers saw a beautiful shot through the bamboo trees looking out onto the bay. We continued to the steps going down to the beach and a woman passed us by, out of breath. A little boy ran ahead with a ball in his hands. The sound of laughter rose up from the bay. People were leaving but we could tell that there were still a lot of people on the beach. We stopped for a moment to listen to the waves crashing on the shore.

"Photography requires patience", remarked Patrice as she waited for people to clear the walkway so she could get the perfect shot. We walked up to the view of the lifeguard hut which looked more like a liming spot (a place to hang out) because of the relaxed appearance of the lifeguards. The sky was covered by a blanket of soft clouds which parted in the distance letting in just a sliver of golden light. On the horizon was a small cluster of orange clouds that heralded the setting of the sun. Some men were fishing on the rocks while a speed boat crossed the bay in the distance.

A Chinese family were having a barbeque that smelled wonderful. They were drinking a Chinese version of Mauby, a drink produced in Trinidad from the bark of a tree. Little Chinese girls ate sausages on sticks. There was a very vibrant energy in the atmosphere and the sound of children laughing infected the air. Several people bathed in the shallow of the sea, the water seeming to be a comfortable temperature for them. A young boy dug a hole in the sand and played with the sand as though it were Nature's play-doh. Another boy rolled in the surf, happy as a clam. Little children walked up the ramp holding swimming rings while four adults seemed to be having a deep conversation while sitting at the point where the waves were crashing on the shore.  It was truly a lazy Sunday.

Patrice stooped down to get a shot between two posts of the railing. I ran down to the shore to do a quick dance in the surf, as I like to do at the beach. I knew all eyes were on me at that moment but I was dancing for myself and got lost in the moment.

It was soon time to leave. We all felt a sense of satisfaction, mingled with a craving for the chow we saw on our way down to the beach. We headed up to the car, happy and relaxed from the Macqueripe experience. It was a well spent Sunday afternoon.

We hope you've enjoyed this account of our road trip. Our aim is to bring the experiences of the places we visit to you through our photography, paintings and writing. We look forward to having you come along on our next adventure! Look out for the photos from this road trip on and the paintings that come from them on


  1. I loved reading this!! �� Great memories, with great friends ������

    1. Thanks so much for reading! It was a fun day. So glad you came along. Can't wait for next time :)


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